Think Round, Inc. is a non-profit created in 2004. Even before that time, Think Round, Inc. has been teaching thousands of elementary school children and their families using their innovative art and science curricula: The Children’s Mural Program (CMP) and KEEP! (Kid's Environmental Education Program!). The epicenter of Think Round, Inc.’s programming is The Human Family Tree / A Walk Through Paradise (Paradise), an elaborate and multifaceted art installation that is emerging from direct experience in San Francisco’s traditionally underserved Southeast Sector. Paradise is a collaboration of creative visionaries that includes paintings and original music, and that finds common threads in diverse families, ethnicities and cultures. It draws from Think Round’s body of work empowering children, youth and families through art-making and education.
Working with city and federal agencies, public schools, community groups and artists, Think Round has created enrichment programs that have taken a leap forward—giving voice and active roles to residents in the physical enhancements of the Southeast Sector of San Francisco (SF) and providing youth with hope for vital, happy, healthy and productive futures at this time of community revitalization. The most recent of these enhancements is the signature artwork for Hunters Point Shipyard’s (HPS) Hill Point Park Stream of Consciousness, commissioned by the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency, HPS Project as part of the Cultural Historic Recognition Program, following a national call for proposals. A stream was installed at HPS's new Hillpoint Park in the January of 2016. Currently the focus of Think Round, Inc. is the completion of the Human Family Tree Project, the development of Think Round Fine Arts and the creation of the Center for the Human Family. All of their activities are currently focused on these projects; plus, biannual offerings through open enrollments of Turning the Tide of Trauma.Heidi Hardin just recently completed the Human Family Tree Project, Part III: Art of the Family
(The Four Muslims) that was exhibited from October through December 2017. Other activities associated
with this installation included: school tours, Human Family Suppers, Family Art Making classes, UCSD
Alumni Association event, and guided meditations. She is currently working on Part II: Families in
Paradise (The Four Jews) that will be completed and displayed from October through December 2018 at
Think Round Fine Arts, San Francisco, CA. In 2019, Parts I, II, and III: The Families of Abraham (The
Four: Jews, Christians, and Muslims) will be on display at venues throughout the city with panel
discussions, family art making, school tours, salons, and Human Family Suppers.