Cultural Infusion Acknowledges the UN International Day of Peace

23 September 2016

Will you join the global movement for peace and justice?

On the 21st of September 2016, individuals from all across the world and from all different walks of life mark the International Day of Peace. This year's theme is "The Sustainable Development Goals: Building Blocks for Peace". 

Cultural Infusion staff volunteered at Peace Day activities being run by Australians for Peace at Federation Square in Melbourne's CBD. The activities have aimed to bring attention to the importance of peace to individuals in the City of Melbourne.

Peter Mousaferiadis, Cultural Infusion CEO and founder, is Patron of the Model Global Parliament (MGP), a democratically constituted global forum that identifies global problems and seeks practical and attainable solutions to them. 

The theme of last year's third annual Model Global Parliament was peace, and on this international day of peace, Peter's sentiments at last year's MGP remain as relevant today as they did when he addressed the gathering. 

“Much of the conflict we are experiencing in the word today is culturally based. Culture, whilst not always the underpinning factor of conflict, is often used as a divider, discrimination comes about due to a lack of understanding of other cultures and that through the discovery of others we not only reinforce our self but build bridges towards understanding," Peter said in his speech. 

Participants at last year's Model Global Parliament took the following pledge, which affirmed their commitment to the ideals of world citizenship and a global community:

”I recognise the humanity I share with all people, and I declare myself to be a citizen of the world. I will uphold the universal rights of others, regardless of nationality, race, religion, age or gender, and I will endeavour to work with my fellow citizens to create a better world.”

Read the 2015 Model Global Parliament statement, which includes the above pledge.

See more ways the URI community celebrated the International Day of Peace 2016.