Southeast Asia and the Pacific

Southeast Asia and the Pacific Region - peace amongst regional conflict

URI member groups are present in the following countries in the Southeast Asia and the Pacific (SEAPac) region:

  • The Philippines - Send an email to the URI staff in the Philippines
  • SEAPac Pacific Zone - Send an email to the URI staff in the SEAPac Pacific Zone
    • Australia
    • New Zealand
  • ​​​SEAPac West Zone - Send an email to the URI staff in the SEAPac West Zone 
    • Cambodia
    • Indonesia
    • Malaysia
    • Myanmar
    • Thailand
Search for Cooperation Circles (CCs) in Southeast Asia and the Pacific

Stories From URI Southeast Asia and the Pacific

The Power to Change the World

Meet URI's new Executive Director, Karen Volker - As I step into my new role as URI’s first woman Executive Director, I want to acknowledge and highlight that I have joined a movement filled with remarkable individuals and organizations that harness collective strength to create meaningful impact—from local communities to the global stage.