III International Seminar RePacificar

29 September 2016

Experts from five continents, emphasizing concrete experiences and actions in favor of peace and human development culture, shared various preventive, intervention or restorative practices. The event honored the pacifist Mahatma Gandhi, bringing his first grandson, Arun Gandhi; speaker on numerous occasions in the UN; regular collaborator with Martin Luther King Center (Atlanta-USA); possessor of seven honorary doctorates; board member of the Nelson Mandela Children's Hospital, South Africa; and president of the Gandhi Institute of Education.

The URI Cooperation Circle of Brasilia mobilized and brought together several religious leaders so they could contribute with reflections on topics, such as peace and reconciliation, as part of the celebration of the "International Day of Peace."

Elianildo Nascimento, coordinator of URI Brasilia and member of the Brazilian Interfaith Diversity Committee, was part of a panel named "Interfaith and Reconciliation", also attended by Arun Manilal Gandhi (Gandhi Education Institute), Haroldo Dutra (Brazilian Court Judge), Akira Ninomiya (Ninomiya Institute), and Almir Laureano (MovPaz/Disarm Brazil Network). Many interfaith representatives present at the event recorded interviews for a documentary, bringing their respective views on peace-building and reconciliation.

conference room


group photo

From the right to the left: Almir Laureano, Sadhu Sanga, Min. Sandro Teixeira, Reverenada Romi Bencke, Maria do Amparo, Elianildo Nascimento and Leila Lima.

group photo

Panel “Interfaith and Reconciliation.” From the right to the left: Arun Manilal Gandhi, Haroldo Dutra, Akira Ninomiya, Almir Laureano and Elianildo Nascimento.

man is speaking

Elianildo Nascimento 


Panel “Interfaith and Reconciliation”. From the right to the left: Arun Manilal Gandhi, Haroldo Dutra, Akira Ninomiya, Almir Laureano and Elianildo Nascimento.

giving a talk

Arun Gandhi