Mujeres Kunas Artesanas (Mukua) is a URI member group in Panama.
The International Day of Awareness about Albinism is celebrated on June 13 of each year and aims to create global awareness in order to avoid abuse and discrimination towards all people with this condition. Likewise, it seeks to end stigma and false beliefs about a disease where superstition and fanaticism have no place.
Albinism is a condition that directly alters and affects people's melanin, which is responsible for giving color to the skin, hair and eyes of all human beings. Albinism is a hereditary condition which causes the absence of the production of this substance in the body. For this reason, albino people are very sensitive to sunlight, which can cause serious damage to the skin or vision of these individuals, who must protect themselves to avoid damage to their health. It is recommended to use some type of sunscreen, so that ultraviolet rays do not affect the skin, and dark glasses to protect the eyes.
Nini Wilson is a member of Mujeres Kunas Artesanas (Mukua), a URI member group in Panama. Kuna women artisans have worked for many years for the recognition and vindication of people who are albino like her and who, in their Guna culture, are called, "children of the moon" and are considered a great blessing for their families. Panama is known to be one of the countries with the most albino people. Many belong to the Guna Yala region.
For this reason, we invite you to give your little contribution by posting through the various social networks some valuable information on this interesting topic, which serves to raise awareness throughout society of the respect that we must have for all people, leaving aside the stereotypes and discrimination which have caused so much damage to all humanity.
Don't forget to add the tag #InternationalAwarenessAboutAlbinismDay.
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