Mujeres Kunas Artesanas CC

Raising the consciousness of women about a peaceful existence within a culture of tolerance
Photo of Mujeres Kunas Artesanas CC.
"Our purpose: improving the quality of life of Kuna women through selling craftwork; helping Kuna women be conscious of the conservation of their Indigenous knowledge; and valuing and caring for our Mother Earth."
Action Areas
Christianity, Indigenous
Baptist, Catholic
Number of Members
Panama, Panama
Joined URI Network

This Cooperation Circle (CC) is dedicated to working with crafts. The majority of members are Kuna Indigenous women who do not speak Spanish, only their Kuna language. Through the arts and crafts they create, members are able to feed and educate their children. They also organize workshops in which they exchange experiences with other organizations and participate in fairs at a national level. CC members participate in seminars on preserving historic art designs. Youth also participate in CC meetings with other religions and conduct presentations of Indigenous dances and songs.


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URI Stories of Impact

Farewell, Welcome and Gratitude for 2020-2024 Global Trustees

On Thursday, September 10, 2020, the Regional Coordination of Latin America & the Caribbean invited all the Cooperation Circles of the region to a meeting via zoom to bid farewell to the 2016-2020 management of the Global Trustees: Sofía Painiqueo, member of the Aflaiai CC of Chile, Salette Aquino member of the CC Brasilia of Brazil and David Limo member of the CC URI Lima of Peru, whose these four years represented all CCs before the Global Council of URI and in turn welcomed the new elected Trustees for the 2020 period -2024: Salette Aquino, CC Brasilia Francisco Morales, CC Comunidad Cósmica and Rosadelia Quizhpe, CC Samay who assume the post to represent the CCs.