Resilience and Inner Strength Training Workshop led by URI MENA, Jordan
"There was a lot of trust in the room, even though most women had only met for the first time.”
__Participant, First Women’s Resilience Circle, Zarqa Jordan
Rahaf and Ola, two women from the Desert Bloom Cooperation Circle in Jordan, recently invited women from the Zarqa community to gather in a circle to support one another in building personal resilience and inner strength.
One participant commented,
“The storytelling circle was very empowering when each woman shared a story related to education and how she overcame challenges that come along with it. There was a lot of trust in the room, even though most women had only met for the first time.”
In January 2024, 12 women from 6 Cooperation Circles (Desert Bloom, Naya CC, Green School CC, Qudorat CC, Al Baya CC & Disi Women) gathered to deepen their understanding of self-care, resilience, and personal inner strength.
The training focused on dealing with difficult emotions, benefits of a supportive community, as well as a “train the trainer” component that equipped the women to host circles of care and resilience in their own communities.
The 12 women, coming from Maan, Wadi Rum, Madaba, Amman, Mafraq and Zarqa, are set to implement ongoing “women self-care circles” in their respective communities. These circles are meant to be safe spaces where women come together to share and support each other in overcoming the challenges they face.