Desert Bloom

We inspire future global leaders to work together to bring about innovative solutions to our common challenges.
"We promote cross cultural understanding and cooperation between people of different cultures and faiths".
Action Areas
Christianity, Islam
Apostolic Armenian, Orthodox, Orthodox, Armenian, Shi'a, Sunni
Number of Members
Amman, Jordan
Joined URI Network

The history of Desert Bloom’s funders goes back to around the end of the second millennium, when they established the “Self-Improvement & Community Service” initiative at the University of Jordan Alumni Club in February 2000. The initiative aimed at improving graduates' life and professional skills. The repercussions of 2001 world Trade Center tragedy incited the group to do something. Hence, they established "Quested Peace Initiative" in February 2003 to restore trust and confront the growing hatred and misunderstanding between Western and Arab worlds. To enhance its global reach, Quested Peace joined the United Religions Initiative (URI) as a URI Cooperation Circle in January 2004. On July 7th, 2018, Quested Peace changed its name to Desert Bloom and the new name was officially registered as a nonprofit organization in Jordan.
Desert Bloom aims to reinforce global competencies and universal morality to prepare people for an inclusive and sustainable world, to enable all community’s members, including the most disadvantaged and marginalized, to take greater control of their own lives and to actively engage in confronting economic, political, social and environmental challenges, to serve the community.

Quested Peace CC edited.JPG

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URI Stories of Impact

Stories Behind Minds

Stories Behind Minds was a youth exchange initiative organized in Egypt. This initiative explored using storytelling as a transformative potential in uplifting young individuals navigating the complexities of social exclusion.

Youth and Biodiversity

10 young people and their leader represented Desert Bloom Cooperation Circle in a Youth Exchange program under the project “PEACE: Psychological and Eco-social Aspects of Climate Change,” hosted by Permacultura Cantabria in Penagos, Cantabria - Spain, from 18-25 Oct. 2022.

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