Our community is working tirelessly to bring peace and justice in all areas of the world regardless of religion. Read stories straight from the organizers.
Last Sunday, Bishop William Swing, Founding Trustee and President Emeritus, delivered a sermon at Grace Cathedral, in San Francisco.
In his words: "Next week, we will elect a president of the United States. Among the myriad responsibilities that go with the office, none is of greater magnitude than the use of nuclear weapons."
Between August and September 2021, the URI AL&C Online Youth Training organized by the URI Global Program for the participation of youth was developed with the intervention of 15 young people from the CCs: Aflaiai, Constructores de Puentes, Teusaquillo, Mukua, Quinaroes , COEMATI, The Descendants of Guatemaya, Samay, ACRE from the countries: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama and Venezuela.
There are special moments in life when things just click, when something you thought you knew takes on new life. That happened for me yesterday with compassion.
The Building Creative Communities Conference mission is to motivate, encourage, empower and inspire community advocates by sharing ideas, learning new skills, and fostering positive change.
As Founder and President of URI, I would like to build on former Secretary of State George Shultz's testimony to the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services to say a little more about our mission.
“There is a man in San Francisco named Bill Swing, the retired Episcopal Bishop of California, and he started something called the United Religions Initiative,” said Dr. Shultz.
A report from the 4th African Union Summit, held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia under the theme of “2015 Year of Women’s Empowerment and Development towards Africa’s Agenda 2063.”
“This event will not make it to the headlines,” Koca said, highlighting the challenges that Muslims face when they do speak out against extremism. “But God does not judge us by the headlines, but by what we do here and now.”