FEN is an Australian hub for strengthening an interfaith dialogue between science and religion. FEN’s goal as a network is to encourage action between different faith communities regarding ecological insights through holding events, producing publications and sharing information through its networks and on social media. The FEN network of people is currently representative of Aboriginal, Anglican, Bahá’í, Buddhist, Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Jewish, Hindu, Islamic, Quaker, and United Church faith traditions. FEN aims to share mutual appreciation of religious traditions regarding ecological insights, to discern and foster religious reasons for environmental advocacy, and to strengthen the dialogue of science and religion between different faith groups, professionals and the community FEN’s work.
Through their network, FEN believes it shares the experience of religious and cultural diversity which enhances the depths of one’s own religious tradition, and aid its members to grow in understanding of the connections between faith and ecology. FEN essentially builds up networks within and between faith traditions and environmentalists. FEN fosters mutual appreciation regarding faith and ecology also through development of common statements on issues and passing on information and resources to their faith communities. FEN supports its members with an annual enrichment day.