Doctors Aid Drop

Improving the living standards of refugees in camps and integrating them into society
Photo of Student Aid Drop.
“Our purpose is to provide aid to refugee camps.”
Christianity, Islam, Spirituality
Number of Members
Sofia, Bulgaria
Joined URI Network

Student Aid Drop is formed by international students in the Medical University in Sofia, coming from the UK but with roots in many parts of the world. They decided to do something positive in the society they are living in, and that is why they started to do charity together. Because refugee camps have become a symbol of a violent world, Student Aid Drop decided to help create sustainable development in refugee camps and eventually integrate these people into society. They think it is important to build bridges among cultures and religions in Bulgaria, even when language is a barrier. Among their highlights is their First Aid Drop program in Vrazhdebna, which is one of three refugee camps on the outskirts of Sofia and home to hundreds of people. They visited it to provide food and supplies and distribute toys to the children, but soon found the visit was transformative for them. They understand that in the bigger picture, their efforts may seem like a drop in the ocean, but they believe each act of support has the potential to help a life. They cannot simply look away and ask everyone else not to, either. They propose: “Let us all try to make a change in the world - one idea, one smile and one penny at a time.”

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