World Play Movement (WPM) Cooperation Circle uplifts and unites the diversity of the world through the power of P.L.A.Y. – which stands for peace, love, adventure, and yoga, involving creative movement and self-development programs. WPM’s activities involve running workshops and programs in Indigenous communities to work on personal development and to create a performance piece. WPM members are committed to empowering Indigenous communities and fostering greater intercultural understanding through self-created performance pieces. They work with communities for a minimum of four weeks, going on a real journey with them. They work with them to create a story that they want to share, and get it captured by multimedia so they can play it forward. They also do this work with young people and women, empowering them to tell their stories through creative movement. The desired outcome is to provide them with a practice they can continue and tools they can use to express themselves and get through dark times.