URI Representative to the United Nations in New York
Monica Willard is the main URI Representative to the United Nations and coordinates the team of URI representatives to the UN. She has worked with the UN Department of Public Information (DPI) on the annual Student Observance for the International Day of Peace at UN Headquarters since 1997. She was a founding member of the International Day of Peace NGO Committee at the UN in 2002 and is currently serving as Co-Chair. As President of the Committee of Religious NGOs at the UN (2010-2013), she organized programs for World Interfaith Harmony Week, including two held in the UN General Assembly. She was a founding member of the Tripartite Forum, a group of UN member states, UN agencies, and religious NGOs who worked together from 2005 to 2010 to promote cooperation within the UN system on religion, peace and development. Monica served as Chair of the 49th Annual DPI/NGO Conference at the United Nations. Her honors include the Spirit of the UN Award and the Chapel of the Four Chaplains Award.