Our community is working tirelessly to bring peace and justice in all areas of the world regardless of religion. Read stories straight from the organizers.
Last Sunday, Bishop William Swing, Founding Trustee and President Emeritus, delivered a sermon at Grace Cathedral, in San Francisco.
In his words: "Next week, we will elect a president of the United States. Among the myriad responsibilities that go with the office, none is of greater magnitude than the use of nuclear weapons."
Between August and September 2021, the URI AL&C Online Youth Training organized by the URI Global Program for the participation of youth was developed with the intervention of 15 young people from the CCs: Aflaiai, Constructores de Puentes, Teusaquillo, Mukua, Quinaroes , COEMATI, The Descendants of Guatemaya, Samay, ACRE from the countries: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama and Venezuela.
It is a great joy and privilege to offer you greetings of love and peace as the URI community around the world celebrates the 15th anniversary of URI's charter signing.
The Hope in Life Foundation recently came together for a luncheon to discuss ways to end religiously motivated violence, and how to bring in the major faith traditions united under one roof to discuss ideas and strategies to end this violence.
The three featured URI Cooperation Circles bring women together across religious, ethnic, and traditional boundaries. Using common goals and shared values to cut across harmful stereotypes, their work benefits the community as a whole.
Over five thousand people gathered in Guadalajara, Mexico for the “Dialogo Multi-cultural Universal II, Meet and Dialogue about Beliefs, Spiritualties, Religions and Cultures” conference last month.