CARAVAN is an international peacebuilding arts non-profit with the objective of building bridges through the arts between the creeds and cultures of the Middle East and West. CARAVAN’s experience demonstrates that the arts can serve as one of the most effective mediums to enhance understanding, bring about respect, enable sharing, and deepen friendships between those of different faiths and cultures in the Middle East and the West. Our flagship initiatives are our globally recognized CARAVAN Exhibitions of Art, that bring together many of the premier and emerging artists from the Middle East and the West around a peacebuilding theme. These CARAVAN exhibitions have resulted in unprecedented gatherings of renowned Middle Eastern and Western artists who use art for intercultural and interreligious dialogue, garnering attention from the international press, media and art world, and attracting many thousands of visitors.
Peacebuilding through the arts between the creeds and cultures
"Our purpose is to build bridges through the arts between the creeds and cultures of the East and West."
Action Areas
Number of Members
Winfield, IL, United States of America
Joined URI Network