The Silkroad Ensemble, celebrating Peace Day with the Rothko Chapel CC.
The International Day of Peace (IDP) is designated by the United Nations as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. This year's theme celebrates the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It was marked by various activities and events ranging from peace walks to concerts, as well as art showcases, community outreach and peace education programs.
See a small summary below of how the URI community throughout the world celebrated the International Day of Peace 2018. Skip directly to celebrations from:
URI Cooperation Circle: Spotlight, Yemen
The ongoing conflict and civil unrest in Yemen left over 1.7 million children internally displaced in over 1,500 spontaneous, unplanned camps across the country. They require support to meet their basic needs. Spotlight CC in Yemen decided to do something meaningful for children on the International Day of Peace. Hence, they organized daylong entertainment activities for 70 displaced children in Kuhfeh camp in Taiz. The activities were carefully designed to bring out the children’s curiosity and playful nature, while also enhancing their social skills and confidence. Listening sessions were organized to hear children’s stories and show them solidarity. At the end of the day, gifts were distributed to all children. “Nothing is more satisfying than spending a day with children putting a smile on their faces”, said Ahlam Al-Makalih, Spotlight CC founder and coordinator.
URI Global Chair Kiran Bali MBE JP shares a message about protecting animals for the International Day of Peace.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: Undugu Family Hope Kibera
LOCATION: Nairobi, Kenya
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: The right to peace: We will have a three days help increase the peace program for the youths, and alternative to violence project for the adults. This will be as from 18th to 20th September, then on the 21st we shall have a peace concert where the youths will pass on the peace message using art. In Kibera, slums with the low standards of living, where families survive with less than a dollar per day, and many people are unemployed. Politicians take advantage of especially the young people to cause violence and pay them $2 for doing that. During this peace day, we want to contact a help increase the peace program, considering the following building blocks or themes: Affirmation, Communication, Cooperation, Trust. We need to help raise the self-esteem of our young people, and teach them on alternative ways to solve issues than using violence. Most people are bitter because of the resent demolitions done by the government and left more than 6000 families homeless. On the last day, which is the peace day, we will have a peace concert where mostly young people will pass the message of peace using art. Kibera is a home of talents.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: URI Africa Regional Office
LOCATION: Nairobi, Kenya
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: In response to the call of the General Assembly of United Nations to observe a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, the All Africa Conference of churches (AACC) in partnership with the African Union (AU) and United Religions Initiative (URI-Africa) and Christian Aid is organizing the celebration of 2018 International day of Peace at Desmond Tutu Conference Centre in Nairobi, Kenya.
The theme of the International Day this year is “The Right to Peace – The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70”.This year also coincides with the 20thanniversary of the UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement.
The partner organizations have decided to focus this year’s celebration on the issue of Internally Displaced People (IDPs) because their rights are not recognized and respected. 40.5 million people globally have been forced to leave their homes, but have remained within their countries of origin. They do not qualify for international protection, because they have not crossed a border.
LOCATION: Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, West India
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: We will celebrate the International Day of Peace (IDP) theme for 2018, The Right to Peace, with students and youth, to promote URI's Preamble, Purpose, and Principles. We will distribute literature on peace initiatives and interfaith cooperation to generate awareness and care about global peace and harmony between all faiths, religions communities and traditions.
Zero Limits CC celebrates Peace Day 2018
LOCATION: Kollam, Kerala, India
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: Zero Limits Cooperatio Circle organized a Peace Day Poster Making Competition and Exhibition, in association with the Laa De' Institute of Social Sciences in Kollam, Kerala, India. See the video above.
Choti si Khushi, a URI member group in north India, celebrates Peace Day 2018.
LOCATION: Delhi, India
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: On the special occasion occasion of International Day of Peace 2018, voices from our grassroots community have joined to spread the message of love and peace. Choti si Khushi, one of our Cooperation Circles that works with children under open spaces, have gathered to join us in sending the message of peace that’ll resonate in the minds of people for years to come.
Tronica City, a URI member group in north India, celebrates Peace Day 2018.
LOCATION: Loni Ghaziabad, India
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: In our celebration of International Day of Peace, Children from Tronica City, one of our Cooperation Sircles, have also joined us in getting the message of peace out to the world. See the video message.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: Sarvodaya Bundelkhand
LOCATION: Uttar Pradesh (U.P.), India
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: "In the celebration of the International Day Of Peace 2018 by Sarvodaya Buldelkand, one of our cooperation circles in U.P. India, teachers and children together added colours to the day."
G3S Foundation, a URI member group in north India, celebrates Peace Day 2018.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: Gram Swawlambhi Swadeshi Swaraj (G3S) Foundation
LOCATION: Delhi, India
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: G3S Foundation, one of cooperation circles in north India, exists to contribute in improving the lives of underprivileged section of society through formal and non-formal education and several other opportunities. Listen to the volunteers and kids for Peace Day 2018; how they are engrossed in the idea of peace through love and respect. Watch the video.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: Understanding Cultural and Religious Values (Trincomalee)
LOCATION: Kinniya, Trincomalee, Sri Lanka
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: Understanding Cultural and Religious Values (Trincomalee), a URI Cooperation Circle, conducted an International Peace Day programme at Kinniya Eliel Arankku playground on 21st September 2018 beginning at 07.00 am. All religious leaders, the Divisional Secretary of Kinniya, school children, teachers, URI members, Sarvodaya staff, and the public - altogether 250 participants - participated in this procession. At the end, a meeting was held. In that meeting, the Divisional Secretary of Kinniya, the president of the URI Cooperation Circle Mr. Subramaniya Sarma, Rev. Father Sutharshan, Maulavi Ethiyathullah, Provincial Co-ordinator V. Jeevaraj, and EHED staff delivered speeches regarding international peace.
Details of participants:
Sinhalese students - 30
Hindu students - 30
Islam students - 60
Teachers - 20
All Religious Leaders - 10
Public - 100
Total - 250
Mahinder Pal from Dwarka Peace Society, a URI member group in north India, celebrates Peace Day 2018.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: Dwarka Peace Society
LOCATION: New Delhi, India
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: Our dear Mahinder Pal from Dwarka Peace Society, one of our cooperation circles in West Delhi, shares his wish on the occasion of International Day of Peace on behalf of the entire Cooperation Circle. In joining us to unite the world on this day, he shares his desire of brotherhood among people of different faiths. See his video message.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: URI North India and Afghanistan Office
LOCATION: North India
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: From a war survivor to a peace builder, have a sneak peek of his story on this international peace day and listen to the grassroots perspectives he shares for the world where peace is not the absence of war. URI member Hayat Amiree shares his thoughts on what the United Nations stands for "Right to Peace". See his video message.

Tehreek Taraque E Insaniat CC celebrates IDP 2018
COOPERATION CIRCLE: Tehreek Taraque E Insaniat CC
LOCATION: Lahore, Pakistan
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: We celebrated IDP on the 28th at Peace Centre Lahore. It was a really wonderful program. The religious scholars came, belonging to different religions and congregations. They emphasized the importance of interfaith dialogue and respect for other religions, for peace. Everyone felt joy in this program. May Peace Prevail in the world. - Shahbaz Khan, Coordinator, Tahareek Taraque-E - Insaniate - CC URI.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: URI Pakistan, URI Women Wing Pakistan, WAKE Cooperation Circle, Bright Future Cooperation Circle, Tehreek Taraque E Insaniat (TTI) Cooperation Circle, Helping Hands Cooperation Circle
LOCATION: Lahore, Pakistan
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: URI Women Wing Pakistan Celebrates International Day of Peace: International Day of Peace was celebrated on 21 September 2018 at 5 pm in Pak Arab housing scheme Lahore at the residence of Dr Tahira, a gynecologist. A group of 30 women from different walks of life attended the program. Some pastors, youth members and gentlemen were also present. Read the full story.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: URI West India, Beyond SARHAD and Janseva Pratishthan, Vita
LOCATION: Mumbai, India & Vita, Sangli, Maharashtra, India
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: In schools, police stations, and the village community hall in Maharashtra, we will have a poster exhibition, community meeting and inviting police and semi-judicial officials to give talks on peace. A poster exhibition will highlight the global challenges of war, conflicts, refugee crisis, environmental issues and how URI CCs are working for peace in different parts of the world.
Event report: Based on IDP theme The right to Peace, CC Beyond Sarhad and CC Janseva Prathishthan , on 25th September 2018, organised a program in District Vita, which is 400 KM from Mumbai and is a rural district. This IDP event was held in Government of Maharashtra Administrative Building, Collectorate office to engage Government based schemes for the protection and welfare of Women, Children and Senior Citizens. There were 100 women who attended the event. CC's invited Government of Maharashtra officials to share the information on various schemes and policies for the upliftment of marginalized groups in the society. The A grade officials were from Ministry of Women and Social Welfare, Deputy Collector and Protection Officers and personnel from Woman Police Cell. There were few cases taken up during the program and assured full assistance by the officials. The officials and CC members finally ended the program by watering a plant sapling to promote environmental awareness.
A second event was held in Waluj, District Vita, Sangli in a governement-run school on 26th September. This is one of the URI West India IDP campaigns to make outreach in all Government Schools where our CC is based. The principal of the school, M. Gaikwad, who is honored by President of India Best Teacher award and he is also president of Maharashtra Teachers Association, wholeheartedly welcomed CC members to host the Post Exhibition event in his school. 300 Secondary School level children participated and gave their feedback after seeing the exhibition. In line with IDP theme 'The Right to Peace' the posters displayed showed various war and conflicts, Anti-Nuclear Campaign and Peace initiatives carried out in various part of the world.
These students were from the villages and never had such exposure of information on War and Peace. The exhibition was highly appreciated by the faculties and students. URI West India Regional Cordinator addressed the student to become a voice of Peace and Unity. RC encourage the young minds to become a global citizen of Peace by observing IDP every year. The CC's promised to continue to engage more students to promote IDP. On 25th September the school held Rangoli (Color Mud Art) and Painting Competition on IDP and 5 children were given awards for best Rangoli and Painting on the theme of inter-religious harmony, Save Girl Children, and Peace.
URI West India is truly honored to share this news that our IDP posters will be permanently displayed in one of the important place of tourism and place of historically significance known as SMRUTI VAN. This place has remains of all Freedom fighters, Revolutionaries of colonial period and Human Rights Activists. These remains are buried in the ground and a tree is planted over the memorials. The trees are named after each freedom fighters and Human Rights leaders. The Gallery of Audio Visual will display all URI IDP posters for the students and visitors.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: Interkultureller Kreis URI Bonn CC
LOCATION: Bonn, Germany
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: As a beautiful UN Peace Day contribution, several members of the Intercultural Circle Bonn CC were on stage for an intercultural choir performance. It took place on September 23 as part of the Intercultural Peace Festival in Bonn. Despite the pouring rain, the Intercultural Choir members sang with heart and soul and captured their audience, as can be seen in the photos.

URI Germany and DMLBonn CC celebrate IDP2018
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: Several members of URI Germany CC and DMLBonn CC participated in a peace event on September 21. A Jewish professor, Prof. Dr. Rolf Verleger, gave his perspective on a just peace in the Holy Land, in the Protestant Johanneskirchengemeinde in Bonn Bad Godesberg. It was a moving event, where the speaker made a big impression on the approximately 80 listeners, with a very personal perspective, knowledge and humility. The evening ended with a prayer for peace.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: Stichting Interreligieus Beraad Segbroek (Foundation Interreligious Council Segbroek) CC
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: On September 25 at the Paleiskerk, Paleisstraat 8, we met to discuss with each other and with peace activist, social reformer and educationist Sri M about 'How to reach inter-communal Harmony'. See the accompanying PDFs below for more details about Sri M and the event program.

Tower photo from URI CC Lienz/Austria.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: URI CC Lienz/Austria / Interreligiöses Team Osttirol
LOCATION: Lienz, Austria
Our energy for peace:
Meeting on the mountain Hochstein at a tower with a "Bell for peace and friendship" with stones from more than 100 countries and from holy sites from different religions. Men and women who work as energy healers, will gather on Sunday, September 23rd afternoon, to send healing power to the world, pray and talk about future cooperation possibilities.
Talking about this project (Heaven on Earth). Learn more and see the Facebook page.
We hope for a strong healing effect through the group intention and prayers.
From Elisabeth Ziegler-Duregger, Interreligiöses Team URI Lienz CC: "Members of the URI team and others met today at the friendship bell on the occasion of the UN World Day of Peace at Hochstein and created a very touching mediation. I already rang the bell on Friday with children. In the evening we were all part of a sea of lights for a refugee family from Dagestan, who is threatened with deportation. Over 1000 people lit candles (in a town of 12,000 inhabitants)."

COOPERATION CIRCLE: Círculo Latinoamericano de Músicos
LOCATION: Ciudad de México (Mexico City) , Mexico
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: This year, the Círculo Latinoamericano de Músicos (Latin American Cooperation Circle of Musicians), a URI member group, will celebrate with a concert by our member Gerardo Ochoa. Gerardo was the winner of the first edition of the International Festival of Songwriters for Peace, Facundo Cabral Award, held in Argentina in 2016. The festival was held as a tangible result of the formation of the Círculo Latinoamericano de Músicos, with representatives in different countries of the region: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico. Music is a vehicle to educate people about the culture of peace and the importance of human rights in all regions.
"As a member of the CC Latinoamericano de Músicos, I joined the celebration of the International Day of Peace by offering a concert of 18 songs performed, accompanied by my guitar at the Peña El Sapo Cancionero, in Mexico City. A concert for 50 people in an intimate and cozy atmosphere. As partner sponsors, we also have the Colectivo Canción Viva and Radio Zurquí." - Adriana Reyes
This event impacts the community because it highlights the celebration of the International Day of Peace and also makes URI Latin America & the Caribbean Region visible as an interreligious network that works to consolidate peace in the world.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: Circulo De Cooperación para el Diálogo CC
LOCATION: Caracas, Venezuela
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: Conéctate con la paz:
Tambien oraciones por la paz de Venezuela.
Conéctate con tu paz❕
Este sábado 22 de septiembre en el marco del día Internacional de la Paz, el Círculo de Coorperacion para el Diálogo de la Iniciativa de Religiones Unidas URI te invita a reunirte con personas de diferentes credos, espiritualidades y activistas de paz para brindarles un espacio reservado para sentirnos y conectarnos con acciones que nos despierten por dentro y nos reconecten con los demás, el instante presente es lo único que tenemos y debemos vivir plenamente, date ese regalo. Conéctate desde escuchar propuestas, desde la risa, la danza y música, la oración y meditación por Venezuela y el planeta.
Con: Centro Zen Bodaishin, Centro Comunitario de Caracas, Escuela de Ciudadanos, Radiocomunidad.com, Fundación Yoga de la Risa, EcoCrea Red de Agentes de Cambio, & CC para el Dialogo los miembros.
Para nuestro momento presente con un país totalmente sumergido en la desesperanza y con una migración muy fuerte, con problemas graves de hiper-inflación y con la gente con mucha rabia y frustración, creo que estas acciones nos ayudan a sentirnos mas conectados con nuestro interior y donde la paz debe comenzar. Mas que nunca mi país necesita de acciones que nos levanten el animo para seguir luchando por nuestra libertad y sacar el país adelante. Espero que vengan muchas personas.
In English: To celebrate the International Day of Peace, in the CC for Dialogue we have organized a pool of activities: talks, yoga of laughter, prayers for Venezuela, meditation, biodance and peace dances. The impact of this activity is very high in this element of humanitarian crisis that exists in Venezuela. Unfortunately, the streets of Caracas suffer a lot of violence, so generating a space to think, feel and act for peace helps the people of this locality.
Partners: The School of Citizens, Community Radio, Community Center of Caracas
There were about 15 volunteers working for 4 hours and serving about 25 people.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: CC de la Unidad, la reconciliación y la sanación, Misiones Unidas CC
LOCATION: Buenos Aires, Argentina
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: Our CC, in order to celebrate the International Day of Peace, seeks to create a network of activities whose focus is to create spaces for peace. We seek to unite several groups that carry out different activities: meditations, prayers, dances for peace.
All these activities have to be oriented towards the common good, peace and unity. All participating organizations voluntarily commit themselves to expand hope and the conviction that peace is possible. There were about 10 volunteers working for 6 hours and serving about 60 people.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: Misiones Unidas CC, CC de la Unidad, la reconciliación y la sanación
LOCATION: Buenos Aires, Argentina
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: We all have the right to peace. It is an attitude towards life that is cultivated from our mind to our daily actions. Let's do to the other as we would like to be treated. We are One. There were about 5 volunteers working for 1 hour and serving about 30 people.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: Of the Indigenous People of Argentina CC, Comunidad Cósmica CC
LOCATION: Buenos Aires, Argentina
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: We held an interreligious ceremony for the International Day of Peace and the Day of Renewal of Life in Spring. May Peace prevail on Mother Earth. Jalla lla Our ancestors, who did not transmit wisdom of Peace also present in this activity in the city of Buenos Aires.
Actions in favor of peace are always a positive impact on communities. Showing interreligious diversity and coexistence is fundamental to achieve tolerance and unity in diversity. There were about 10 volunteers working for 2 hours and serving about 25 people.

URI CC Lima celebrates Peace Day 2018
LOCATION: Peru, Lima
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: The CC URI Lima met to discuss a common work agenda with two national networks of women living with HIV and young people living with HIV. We reflect on the issue, the social context and develop mutual commitments to strengthen our actions against the "Violence, HIV and Culture of Peace". With them and you, "May peace prevail over the earth". There were about 5 volunteers working for 3 hours and serving about 8 people.

Foro Espiritual de Santiago para la Paz CC celebrates IDP 2018.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: Foro Espiritual de Santiago para la Paz CC
LOCATION: Quito, Ecuador
In La Carolina Park in Quito, the March for Peace was held. As CREE (Ecuatorians Evangelical Confraternity), and being part of URI, we join this effort where we call ten schools and march and sing about peace. The students gave their testimonies and we ended up singing the Hymn to Joy. And we also prayed in the La Paz Bell, which is in that park.
Every September 21 the United Nations calls for celebration, reflection, action and prayer for peace. The power of global solidarity to build a peaceful and sustainable world is celebrated.
This has never been as important as in this era of unprecedented challenges. New divisive forces have emerged that spread hatred and intolerance. Terrorism fuels violence, while violent extremism tries to poison the minds of vulnerable people and young people. In the poorest and least developed regions of the world there are natural disasters linked to climatic factors that aggravate the prevailing fragility, increasing forced migration and the risk of violence.
The culture of peace is a culture of dialogue and prevention, in this context, the role played by the United Nations has never been so crucial. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development affirms that "there can not be sustainable development without peace, or peace without sustainable development."
We need a new comprehensive approach to address the root causes, consolidate the rule of law and promote sustainable development based on dialogue and respect. These elements guide the action of the United Nations to build peace through education, democracy, freedom of expression, intercultural dialogue, respect for human rights, cultural diversity and scientific cooperation.
On this International Day of Peace we must renew our commitment to global solidarity. Maintaining peace means cultivating it every day, in all societies, with every woman and every man, working hand in hand for a better future for all.
As disciples of Jesus Christ who was the Prince of Peace and proclaimed the Gospel of peace, we call on the evangelical churches to pray and work for peace in Ecuador. That the meeting places and cults are transformed into sanctuaries of peace to welcome children, young people and women victims of violence in different ways and to become agents of peace so that our cities are increasingly peaceful, safe and friendly.
The walk had a very positive impact on the schools invited to join. Children and young people were very excited and committed to working with small actions for peace.
Peace I leave you, my peace I give you;
I do not give it to you as the world gives it.
Do not let your heart be troubled,
Do not be afraid
(John 14:27)
Summary: Encounter of Poetry, on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, held at the New Life Foundation and organized by members of the Community of Reflection and Ecological Spirituality (CREE) and the CC Spiritual Forum of Santiago for Peace. Meeting around poetry to contemplate the importance of peace has a significant impact on the minds and hearts of the participants. Art connects with love, unity and that calmness in the mind, in the body and in the spirit that is summarized in peace. There were about 3 volunteers working for 2 hours and serving about 11 people.

Aflaiai CC celebrates IDP 2018
COOPERATION CIRCLE: Aflaiai, Asociación Melirrewe Mogen
LOCATION: Temuco, Araucania, Chile
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: The Cooperation Circle Aflaiai held an interreligious meeting to reflect on the meaning of peace. Food, sweets and drinks were shared. The meeting involved young Mapuche people who were pleasantly affected by the importance of meetings like these that allow them to share their expressions about individual and collective peace. There were about 5 volunteers working for 3 hours and serving about 12 people.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: C.O.E.MA.TI (Comunidad Originaria Ecos de la Madre Tierra)
LOCATION: Jujuy, Argentina
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: CC Coemati held an origami workshop with children from the community of Jujuy. They made doves and other animals as symbols of peace. They were taught the importance of creating commitments with individual peace, in the family, with the classmates and with the whole community. There were about 3 volunteers working for 4 hours and serving about 15 people.

CC Foro Espiritual de Santiago para la Paz celebrates IDP 2018

Trust WIN CC celebrates Peace Day 2018
LOCATION: Jerusalem, Israel
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: Against the background of ongoing violence on the border of Israel and Gaza, a recent terror attack in Jerusalem, and a tense security situation, we invited Christian, Druze, Jewish and Muslim women to our TRUST WIN celebration of Sukkot and the International Day of Peace. Jewish women welcomed their friends, sisters, and their daughters from Daliat AlCarmel and Fureidis into the Sukkah of Rabbi Judith Edelman-Green outside her home in Kfar Sava. Read more.

Desert Bloom CC
COOPERATION CIRCLE: Desert Bloom and URI MENA Regional Office
LOCATION: Amman, Jordan
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: "Transforming Youth Into Social Entrepreneurs: an approach to changemaking." Entrepreneurship is becoming a vital alternative for young people to contribute to their community. This training workshop is designed to provide the participants with a practical framework that help them to generate ideas and put them into action. It will build participants personal entrepreneurial skills needed to develop their business plan and consequently start their own social initiative.
This workshop will help participants to develop entrepreneurial and creative skills that will allow them to address local social needs and improve their own situations.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: Contemplative Life, with Unity Earth
"Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence." Leonardo da Vinci.
September 21 is the International Day of Peace. To add your intentions, please join us in a moment of silence with millions of others around the world. Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, I invite you to pause and silently reflect on the importance of peace in your life and in our world. At 12:00 Noon: A Moment of Silence.
There has never been a more important time than now to focus on peace. Your intentions and prayers are important. When weighing sand piles on a scale, it only takes a tiny grain of sand to begin tipping the weight of the scales. Likewise, perhaps all that is needed is for people like you and me to set our intention towards peace to become like those small grains of sand that finally tip the scales towards greater peace in our world. Learn more.
The moment of silence is the most universal contemplative practice. It transcends language, social culture, age, and tradition. Silence is the great leveler that invokes a shared humility and sense of common ground. Contemplative Life honors the Day of Peace with a Day of Silence. Perhaps the most transcendent and universal experience that all humanity shares in our common goal of peace.
This event enabled the Contemplative Life community to connect in silence and solidarity with people all over the world to share their intention of Peace on Earth. There were 2 volunteers working for 8 hours and serving about 75 people.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: Dreamz Unlimited Foundation
LOCATION: North India
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: Dreamz Unlimited Foundation is an organization that aims at touching lives by providing assistance to the needy ones in our society. Jacintha Reema Gomes Barua, at the helm of the organization, wishes everyone a happy International Day Of Peace 2018. Check out this video to know more about their work.

Apithan Ministries celebrates IDP2018.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: Apithan Ministries
LOCATION: Deming, New Mexico, USA
International Day of Peace, 8 representatives, on what is believed the oldest set of Petroglyphs in Deming, NM. A SouthWest High Desert which has seen many conflicts years ago. The Gathering was planned; however, the rest was "An Open Space Ceremony." Our intention, honoring the Animals (both human and non), honoring the sacredness of these lands, which have been abandoned, turned over to the Bureau of Land Management for Cattle and been desecrated by looters. This is what came through us…
APITHAN Ministries brought together a representative of several cultures for honoring Mother Earth, Her Waters, and Creatures. Each of the 7 representatives, (Indigenous, Spanish, Pioneer, Military, Miner, Missionary), all spoke gratitude for what 'they' brought these lands.
Ahowan ICrow, the Ceremony leader, finished the gratitude (8th representative) with the non-human Animals which labored, traveled, taught, fed and supported Humans, then and now.
The Sacred Directions Invocation and gratitude organically started us drumming a meditation, followed by a chanting blessing, and some storytelling. A rich Indigenous Creation story, how a Spirit Animal presented itself, WWI and cattle ranching.
Our Ceremony ended honoring the Sunset and Moonrise with a personal Eagle Song, singing John Lennon's 'Imagine,' and voicing one word, “One.”
" I can only speak for myself when I say that coming from the perspective of gratitude, hearing all the different angles of gratitude during this Ceremony was very heart opening and healing. Instead of placing blame and seeing the negative of all that has happened with all these different groups of people and being critical of what took place, especially for the Natives and their land. Apithan Ministries CC has been asked to facilitate several more Ceremonies from this, and the "Open Space Ceremony" was absolutely WONDERFUL (and being asked to re-facilitate) in that it allowed for organic playfulness, participation, and creativity amongst all the participants! and left myself as the 'Leader" to 'hold space' for the healing work instead of working ceremony logistics. The reach or impact of this Ceremony is not accountable in that when a stone is thrown into a pond, the ripples go out. The same is true for a prayerful Ceremony. The healing of one is a healing of many...this happened at this Ceremony for 8 different 'groups' of Sentient Beings." - Ahowan ICrow
COOPERATION CIRCLE: Global Family for Love and Peace
Poetry Slams empower youth through the mastery of literacy and language – “If you don’t learn to write your own life story, someone else will write it for you”. Poetry Slam is recognized among young people of diverse backgrounds as a democratizing force. Poetry Slams encompass all manner of individual and poetic voices, using allusions to contemporary popular culture to provide a medium for crafting communication, venting emotion, and creating art, in a constructive atmosphere of equality, sensitivity and progress to encourage discussion, creativity, empowerment and alliance.
The Poetry Slam for Peace brings together communities in New York City that are not already connected, allowing the powerful narratives of Slam Poetry to celebrate the United Nations International Day of Peace. The event also connects youth with activities surrounding the United Nations International Day of Peace. The young poets are a most expressive voice for current events, crafting communication, venting emotion, and creating art. Partners include:
The Assemblage, Nuyorcian Poets Cafe, Unity Earth and the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-NY. Learn more.
Attendance at the event will open to 70 people. Many others know about the event and our social media platforms being used reach over 65,000 people.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: University of Rochester Interfaith Chapel
LOCATION: Rochester, NY, United States of America
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: International Day of Peace Sand Mandala and Labyrinth Walk: The Students Association for Interfaith Cooperation and the Interfaith Chapel will host local artist Katie Jo Suddaby, who will create a sand mandala featuring symbols of peace. Students will help create the mandala, after practicing the skill at nearby tables. The labyrinth will be open and available for meditative walking in the same space where the Sand Mandala is being created. At the completion of the mandala, students will join Katie Jo for the destruction ceremony. Katie Jo Suddaby is an ordained Baptist pastor who has studied the art of sand mandala creation and meditation with monks in Nepal. She has adapted the Buddhist practice as an interspiritual meditative practice.
Event update: We created a Sand Mandala with symbols of the world's religions, under the direction of a local Sand Artist, Katie Jo Suddaby, an ordained Baptist minister who has studied with Tibetan monks to learn the art of sand mandala creation. She provided practice tables for students to learn the skill and then they worked with her to create the mandala. Our labyrinth was also open for meditative walking with prayers for peace available to walkers as they exited the labyrinth.
Many students stopped by during the four hours that we were creating the mandala. They stayed to learn how to do the sand art and contributed to the creation of the mandala. They learned about the Buddhist understanding of the impermanence of everything and they found the destruction ceremony very meaningful. They embraced the opportunity to create a thing of beauty and to take the time to engage in the meditative practice of creating a sand mandala. Some of them also walked the labyrinth. Many of the students who stopped and contributed to the mandala were not students who are affiliated with any particular religious tradition, but they found the event meaningful and powerful. Students who participated included Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Unitarian Universalist and secular humanist students.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: Safe Alliance of Interfaith Leaders, Columbus
LOCATION: Worthington, OH, United States of America
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: We will view excerpts from the documentary titled, "Human Flow." We will listen to first hand accounts of persons who have experienced migration and hear the voices of the International Children's Choir and Interfaith Choir, Voices of Unity. We collaborated with WIN (Worthington Interfaith Neighbors), and TASO (Turkish American Society of Ohio).
COOPERATION CIRCLE: Muncie Interfaith Fellowship
LOCATION: Muncie, IN, United States of America
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: The Muncie Interfaith Fellowship URI Cooperation Circle, in conjunction with the Ball State University Center for Peace and Conflict Studies, and its satellite interfaith affiliate in Hartford City, Indiana, commemorated the United Nations International Day of Ceasefire with a "Words Matter" campaign booth (#WordsMatterBSU) on the Ball State University Campus and a "Labyrinth Walk Meditation and Discussion" at the City Hall in Hartford City, Indiana.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: Interfaith Council of Contra Costa County CC
LOCATION: Walnut Creek, CA, United States of America
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: The International Day of Peace was begun with the conviction that if we can live just one day of peace, why not more? Our International Day of Peace program was held Friday, Sept. 21st at 6:30 pm at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Pleasant Hill. There were sing-along peace songs, an Interfaith Mixer, a short Peacemaking Training and small group conversations on a peacemaking exercise.
LOCATION: Yamouth, ME, United States of America
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: PEACE CONCERT & GONG MEDITATION: Join us in intentional community as we come together to cultivate and celebrate PEACE. Through readings, music and contemplative awareness we will first tune-into and empower peace within ourselves, and then consciously share our peace with the rest of the world during a guided Gong Meditation.
Rev. Todd Glacy, M.S. is a Musician, Teacher, and Spiritual Advocate. He specializes in creating sacred space and transformational experiences which allow people to connect with their highest, healthiest and most authentic selves. Learn more and see the Facebook page.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: Interfaith Cooperation Circle of Kaua'i
LOCATION: Kapaa, HI, United States of America
IROK is focusing on “Creating Peaceful Relationships,” and we are inviting all ages to our free event! It’s at the Lydgate Park Main Pavilion from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday. At 1:30, a musical call to the program will be performed by the talented and creative “Middle Fields,” featuring Antoine Woody and Darren Dzurilla on the main stage.
Come join us to learn conflict resolution techniques that have been proven to work. Most anyone from ages 3 to 110 can learn how to respectfully solve problems. At 2, Dr. Hari Khalsa, IROK chairperson, will welcome guests, on IROK’s behalf. Kumu Hula Puna Kalama Dawson, will give a blessing, and share about Hoʻoponopono, the ancient Hawaiian form of conflict resolution for families.
At 1:30, a musical call to the program will be performed by the talented and creative “Middle Fields,” featuring Antoine Woody and Darren Dzurilla on the main stage. Come join us to learn conflict resolution techniques that have been proven to work. Most anyone from ages 3 to 110 can learn how to respectfully solve problems. At 2, Dr. Hari Khalsa, IROK chairperson, will welcome guests, on IROK’s behalf. Kumu Hula Puna Kalama Dawson, will give a blessing, and share about Hoʻoponopono, the ancient Hawaiian form of conflict resolution for families. Read more.
COOPERATION CIRCLE: Charlotte Red Bench Garden
LOCATION: Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: Once again, Charlotte Red Bench Garden, The Galilee Ministries of East Charlotte (GMEC) and The Galilee Center partners are joining to make this year memorable. The Galilee Center utilizes large freight containers to assist in managing their physical space in the parking lot. Recently, they became aware from participants that these types of containers have been used as holding prisons in Vietnam. For some of our refugee friends, these containers hold painful and traumatic memories of being physically "stored" in containers just like these--hot, dark, and full of frightened people.
In an effort to transform these experiences, it was decided by The Galilee Center to move one of the containers closer to the Peace Garden and create it into a large visual expression of peace. The goal is to transform the container to become a vehicle to heal the memories, build hope for those who have suffered trauma and bridge understanding for the community as a larger body of support. Read more.

The Silkroad Ensemble, celebrating Peace Day with the Rothko Chapel CC.
LOCATION: Houston, TX, United States of America
DESCRIPTION OF IDP ACTIVITY: In observation of International Day of Peace, the Rothko Chapel presents a performance by the Silkroad Ensemble, while in residency at Rice University. Silkroad creates music that engages difference, sparking radical cultural collaboration and passion-driven learning to build a more hopeful world. Yo-Yo Ma conceived Silkroad in 1998 as a reminder that even as rapid globalization resulted in division, it brought extraordinary possibilities for working together. Seeking to understand this dynamic, he began to learn about the historical Silk Road, recognizing in it a model for productive cultural collaboration, for the exchange of ideas and tradition alongside commerce and innovation. And in a radical experiment, he brought together musicians from the lands of the Silk Road to co-create a new artistic idiom, a musical language founded in difference, a metaphor for the benefits of a more connected world.
The concert with Silkroad Ensemble embodies a spirit of intercultural respect and celebration, naturally promoting peace! Each musician comes from different part of the world, bringing their traditional instruments to the ensemble, fusing music and cultural traditions in their performance. We look forward to bringing this music fusion to folks as we meditate on peace and how we bring it into our own worlds.
More coming soon!